Cosplay Tokens: Newt Scamander

Ok, I have a confession to make. I don’t actually have a complete Newt Scamander cosplay. I’ve never cosplayed as Newt. However, I do have a few components that would mean I ALMOST have a full New Scamander cosplay so, for some reason, I’m taking that as an invitation to tell other people how to do it.

So, here we go!

To begin with, we’ll start easy: as with all the other cosplay tokens I’ve posted here, the basis for a lot of cosplays is a black pair of pants. For Newt, you’ll want some office/suit pants, preferably one that is just a little too short on you. Remember, Newt is lanky and awkward, so the more out of place he looks, even in his own clothes, the better!


Next, you’ll need a white blouse or dress shirt. Easy enough!

The next one will need a little hunting – a brown waistcoat. Shouldn’t be too difficult to find!


You’ll need a long blue coat next! The one I have is a coat my mother just so happened to have at home. So, of course I’m going to use that!


A matching blue bow-tie is next! Although it can be difficult to piece together a bow tie and jacket based on colour, but I’d imagine if the blues were a little off – it wouldn’t matter too much, considering Newt’s character!


Some brown leather boots next! But of course, if you’re going to a convention – don’t forget to wear whatever shoes are the most comfortable – even at the risk of your authenticity.


Of course no wizarding-world cosplay is complete without a wand! You can buy replicas of Scamander’s wands, but they can be expensive – the most fun out of cosplaying is improvising certain aspects! Unfortunately, I do not yet have either a wand of a version of 😦


A wig or your own hair could work for Newt’s wavy hair-do!


And finally, the last piece is optional, but if you can get your hands on a 1950s, brown suitcase, then you’re look will have that extra kick! Luckily for me, my grandmother had one lying around and said I could have it – I may not have the wand, but I have the suitcase!! Handy to put your snacks in for cosplay, I might add….


And there you have it!! A Newt Scamander cosplay!! I’d say that is your mischief appropriately managed, wouldn’t you?

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